

Dr Bruce McCabe

Dr Bruce McCabe is a global futurist and international keynote speaker who presents on the future of medicine, computing, artificial intelligence, energy, genomics – wherever the game-changers happen to be. He travels constantly and works across all industry sectors. 

Bruce has explored emerging technologies and how innovation happens for 30 years. He began his career at IBM in 1988 and went on to hold senior roles at IBM, WordPerfect, Novell and Gartner. In 2002 he founded S2 Intelligence, a think tank to support organizational innovation through grounded research. He served as an independent adviser to a long list of multinationals, state and federal governments, universities and science labs. When not speaking he writes novels about the near future.

Paul 'PJ' Jones

With an economics degree and marketing major in hand, an inquisitive mind, and a passion for big ideas, PJ set off to become one of the original digital marketers in this world. He began in the heart of consumer technology as an advertising manager for Commodore Computers in Australia, then Atari, then Toshiba to launch the world's first notebook PC, before landing at DEC as Marketing Director ANZ, the second largest tech company in the world, and the place he would leave to launch his own agency, Tolemy, one of the world's first truly integrated digital marketing businesses, to work with some of the world's biggest technology brands.

PJ now consults and lives as a proud father of two strong, intelligent young women, committed to connection, opportunity, and positive energy. And while he's had many big ideas in his time, the best is to never give up on this world, even when it feels like we're f*cked, because there's always good to be found in everything.