Is The World F*cked?
Welcome to "Is The World F*cked?" - a weekly raw and irreverent look at the future... starting today! We look at where the world's going in technology, economics, social policies and lots of other crazy sh*t!
We get real about where we could be going if we got our act together, what scares the hell out of us, and what makes our heads spin.
Your hosts are Dr Bruce McCabe, The Global Futurist, and Bruce's mate, "PJ" Jones, one of the original digital marketers in this world. We kick around the big issues everyone's thinking about but might hesitate to raise in polite company, while keeping it real and having some fun. Because, without the laughs, what's the point? And then we try to decide in the end, is the world f*cked, or not?
You can check out our "day jobs" at www.brucemccabe.com and www.alexim.com.au respectively, although this podcast was never meant for our clients (we're scared to death they'll find it). This podcast is for YOU - if you're thinking about the big stuff - and whether the world is f*cked, or not!
Is The World F*cked?
# 27 - We Reckon This One Saves The World!
Too much promise? Well... you listen and be the judge. We think firing up a human-made STAR right here on planet Earth is a great idea... BOLD, AUDACIOUS, MASSIVE, POWERFUL........... and SAFE.
Yep... don't believe it - take a listen and find out.
Completing our atomic tri-pod, this time we’re talking about that “other” atomic energy. That super-sexy, super-sultry version that beckons us away from our dark & dangerous dalliances with fission for sweet promises of clean, green, unlimited-fuel, baseload electricity.
That's right, it's fusion! And its safe even at 150 million degrees!!
You won't believe how it works. And stand back, because Dr Bruce is wetting himself to tell you about his visit to the world’s first full-scale power plant under construction in France. Yes, really, we're building one.
PJ keeps Bruce honest with a ton of sharp questions, and the guys rip into how it all works. Biggest magnets? Monster vacuum chambers? What could go wrong? How hard could it be? Will fusion save us? Don’t say we don’t tackle the big stuff!
Video of Bruce's tour of ITER, the world's first fusion power plant is at https://youtu.be/Vc6bWoA9uG0.
For more on ITER, visit www.iter.org.
And for the record, when we're doing real work and not podcasting, you'll find Dr Bruce, The Global Futurist presenting here and PJ applying his digital marketing genius here. Enjoy!