Is The World F*cked?

#28 - We Reckon This One Saves The World (Part 2)

Bruce McCabe & Paul Jones

It's the second half of our Fusion love-fest. Having taken you on a tour of the International Thermonuclear Power Plant (ITER) in France, this time we’re flying you across the Atlantic to ogle yet another power plant under construction in Devens, Massachusetts.

Why does this one matter so much? We tap the secrets of the breakthrough design and talk cost efficiencies, because as we all know boys and girls, when it comes to energy, the almighty dollar matters!

And finally, after promising in the last episode, we talk timelines for igniting that first star here on Earth. How soon? How hot? And WHEN could we reasonably expect to have thousands of these babies pumping out clean, green, unlimited baseload electricity for the planet?

For Bruce's article on his conversation with Alex Creely spanning Commonwealth Fusion Systems and their SPARC and ARC protoypes, as well as Bruce's predicted timetable, see .

For more on Commonwealth Fusion Systems see

And for the record, when we're doing real work and not podcasting, you'll find Dr Bruce, The Global Futurist presenting here and PJ applying his digital marketing genius here. Enjoy!

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