Is The World F*cked?

#29 - The Sharemarket is Rigged! Pick Why!

Bruce McCabe & Paul Jones

Bet that got your attention! If you day trade - or anything like it - you HAVE to listen to this episode - whether your financial advisor likes it or not. Oh yeah, because to hell with all that energy stuff we've been discussing for a while, today the boys are talking money! Mullah! Bacon! Coin!


We're channelling our inner Gordon Gekkos and ripping into the stock market mafia you never hear about. Not the run-of-the-mill ostentatious Lamborghini-revving Wall Street rip-off merchants --- but the actual cheats. 

The sophisticated types, the silent quants, the ones who write superfast algorithms, gain advantage with super short connections and build software black boxes to effectively print money continuously 365 days a year while taking on ZERO risk themselves. 

We have a bunch of fun discussing their slick tricks and INSANE schemes (the ones we know about!) and where they go from here. 

Is greed good? Are you a day trader? This is the episode for YOU. 

Make sure to share it with all your friends and tell 'em in bold capital letters: THE STOCK MARKET IS RIGGED!  (allegedly - hahaha).

Or ... maybe tell 'em it's all fine and dandy, nothing to see here, while you quietly fire-up your own algorithmic trading engine. I mean, if every other bloodsucker is doing it, why not you and us? Anything for an edge, baby! Kaaaaa-ching! 

And for the record, when we're doing real work and not podcasting, you'll find Dr Bruce, The Global Futurist presenting here and PJ applying his digital marketing genius here. Enjoy!

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