Is The World F*cked?

#30 - This is Bigger Than Quantum Computing!

Bruce McCabe & Paul Jones

Computing power that we all use is about to change forever - and you heard it here first. The next generation of computer chips is on the way - and they are not as we know it... they're Neuromorphic! Neuro-what? Neuromorphic! Bio-inspired! More brain-like! Mimicking the eyes and ears and brains of flies, mice and -- yep -- humans.

Computing power is so - well... computer-like.... and that's old news. So forget all those old-hat computers we've been using since the 1950s. With exponential Artificial Intelligence growth now here, THIS is the future for computing power.

Dr Bruce has just come back from a leading lab in Australia where he’s poked and prodded all the cool new gadgets, and he’s busting to share.

Artificial eyes?


Brains in a dish?

Get ready for the mushy stuff! It's about to POWER YOUR WORLD!

Wanna learn more? Listen to the detail in Dr Bruce’s interview with Dr Alexandre Marcireau at the International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems.

And for the record, when we're doing real work and not podcasting, you'll find Dr Bruce, The Global Futurist presenting here and PJ applying his digital marketing genius here. Enjoy!

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