Is The World F*cked?

#34 - The EV is Dead! Long Live The EV!

Bruce McCabe & Paul Jones

Just when you thought you understood electric vehicles, along comes a company re-inventing them from the ground up! So now the question is: what do you do with your old redundant EV? 

Well, we're not sure.

However, we are sure that the Solar EV, or SEV, is very real, and despite being currently challenged when it comes to commercialization, is sure to win that battle (just as Tesla did), to be here in a showroom near you soon. And when it does, the whole world changes - again. 

So the questions are: How much extra range will you get when you leave it in the sun? How many months might you go without having to recharge your little battery (that's right - months!)? How much will you pay for one? When can you get one? And the most important question of all: will you look like a dork or a dude/dudess driving one?

PJ's ready to buy one now, although he may need a GoFundMe page to help, and he’s certainly keen to talk about them. Oh, and while we did, we discovered that maybe solar EVs are a roundabout way of solving the housing crisis. Listen to find out how we came to that conclusion!

We had some fun making this one... and we're still going! :)

PS: If you're really interested, check out these innovators for more info:

And for the record, when we're doing real work and not podcasting, you'll find Dr Bruce, The Global Futurist presenting here and PJ applying his digital marketing genius here. Enjoy!

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