Is The World F*cked?

#40 - A One Shot Cure For Cholesterol

Bruce McCabe & Paul Jones

In this episode, we're diving into the world of cholesterol and, spoiler alert, it's a pretty big deal... especially if you have high LDL numbers despite training your arse off and running for miles (as per guess who - we heard you PJ :).

The World Health Federation dropped a bombshell recently, attributing nearly 8% of global deaths to high cholesterol every year. Shocking, right?  But hold on to your butter and banana bread, because we've got some potentially game-changing news.

Imagine a ONE-SHOT TREATMENT that not only kicks 'bad' cholesterol to the curb but also slashes your risk of a heart attack by half—for life. One-shot and done!  

Game-changer right?

No, this isn't science fiction; it's more over-the-horizon science as heard first on this podcast :). Join us as Dr. Bruce spills the beans on this revolutionary gene therapy he saw during his visit to Philadelphia, and heard straight from the brilliant mind behind it all. Get ready for a dose of groundbreaking science that could reshape our health landscape in a massive way and forever.

So let's get into it! Cheese and prawns anyone?

PS: You can find out more about this incredible gene therapy by listening to Dr Bruce’s original interview with Kiran Musunuru here.  

And for the record, when we're doing real work and not podcasting, you'll find Dr Bruce, The Global Futurist presenting here and PJ applying his digital marketing genius here. Enjoy!

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