Is The World F*cked?
Welcome to "Is The World F*cked?" - a weekly raw and irreverent look at the future... starting today! We look at where the world's going in technology, economics, social policies and lots of other crazy sh*t!
We get real about where we could be going if we got our act together, what scares the hell out of us, and what makes our heads spin.
Your hosts are Dr Bruce McCabe, The Global Futurist, and Bruce's mate, "PJ" Jones, one of the original digital marketers in this world. We kick around the big issues everyone's thinking about but might hesitate to raise in polite company, while keeping it real and having some fun. Because, without the laughs, what's the point? And then we try to decide in the end, is the world f*cked, or not?
You can check out our "day jobs" at www.brucemccabe.com and www.alexim.com.au respectively, although this podcast was never meant for our clients (we're scared to death they'll find it). This podcast is for YOU - if you're thinking about the big stuff - and whether the world is f*cked, or not!
Is The World F*cked?
#41 - Jurassic Park: Should We or Shouldn’t We?
Jurassic Park. It’s one of our all-time favorite movies. De-extinction, baby! Who wouldn’t want to watch a T-Rex chomping down on a goat … and, er, eyeing us through an upside-down car window ... Okay, okay, maybe not! Um, PJ, how about bringing me back a nice placid herbivore instead? How big, did you say? Cripes! How about one that can't stomp on my house?
Questions, questions! And here’s the thing, those questions matter, because we’re doing it. Through the power of gene-sequencing and editing, we ARE bringing back woolly mammoths and Tasmanian tigers and dodos, and we’re doing it SOON.
DON'T PANIC! You’ve come to the right podcast: Dr Bruce has been chatting to the world’s leading genomic scientist to get you all the answers you need. So button your safari jacket and grab your pith helmet (and keep a sharp eye on those dark woods over there, please, in case a sabre-tooth sneaks up on us) as we share the myths and realities and ask: what species would you like to bring back?
Trust us, we're experts ... “Hey PJ, pass the CRISPR please, and check out the claws on this velociraptor I made!”
You can explore more about de-extinction, the woolly mammoth project, and other head-spinning cutting-edge genomics projects (like age-reversal) in Dr Bruce's interview with George Church here.
And for the record, when we're doing real work and not podcasting, you'll find Dr Bruce, The Global Futurist presenting here and PJ applying his digital marketing genius here. Enjoy!